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We are thrilled to report that the first phase of work began in June with setting the foundation for the new addition. The construction was started in July and three weeks later on the evening of July 24th, the community gathered to have a ceremony of “giving thanks” in the newly completed addition!

To have so much work done in three weeks speaks to the dedication, belief and commitment to a shared vision! It was beautiful to see the community gather around this project and volunteer their hard work to make this possible. To witness a community come together to make a “dream” a reality is phenomenal and powerful!

A year ago, after a major medical procedure Mr. Moves Camp, Executive Director of Wicahpi Koyaka Tiospaye, gave voice to his vision of renovating and adding an addition to Ti Ska Ceremony House. His vision was centered on leaving a solid foundation for the future generations to continue to have ceremony, to pray and to stay healthy. Ti Ska’s infrastructure is built on the principals and legacy of the Lakota Oyate’s cultural teachings, ceremonies, stories, songs and healing for a path to health, wellness and survival.

Jim Willis, general contractor with Cherokee Builders Corp and Larry Steele, carpenter, took the lead in beginning the first phase of this project. Families came together to work on this project and the community was involved from the beginning to the end. It took numerous volunteers to make this first phase possible and we acknowledge each and every one – from contractors to laborers, runners, cooks, supporters and many others!

Photos of the first phase can be seen below. They include foundational work for the new addition, flooring, framing, siding to match the new addition with the old structure, sheet rocking, new roof on the old structure and new addition, electrical work, set up plumbing for the second phase of the project.

The Ceremony House renovation and expansion is underway with the recent completion of the foundation by Rosane Cement. In a few short weeks, our construction crew will build out the new structure which will connect with the existing structure. Stay tuned for more updates in the coming month.

We would like the thank the following Donors who have helped fund this very important community project to date:

2013 Northern Light Fund

Peace Development Fund

Mary McGuire

Ashley B. Semier

Bob Steffans

Sun Dance community, family and friends step up and volunteer to work security for this major event and donate all the funds to Wicahpi Koyaka Tiospaye – Wopila!

The men work two 12-hour shifts, (7pm -7am) on Friday and Saturday night of Memorial Day weekend. It is hard work and every year we pray and are thankful that our men be safe and protected. The women support by providing healthy snacks, cooking soup, providing drinks and delivery on both nights. When we have many volunteers step up to help out it lightens the load for those that step-up year after year. It also allows for some of the elders to be sent home early and helps to provide coverage for those that cannot do the whole shift.

We want to thank everyone that stepped up to “be of service” for the greater good by doing the work and donating the funds towards continuing the ceremonies that help us all to heal and bring us together as a community of “prayer”. Thank you to Friendship House for sending volunteers!

We also want to acknowledge the coordinators, Carlos Ruiz, Redhouse Poncho and Rencho Wahpepah, who have done the tireless work of coordinating this fundraiser for the past eight years. We apologize if we forgot to include any one’s name. (* two nights!)

Gabe Chavez*, Henry Morales*, Womblee Taylor*

Oscar Osorio*, Rob Alfaro*, Rencho Wahpepah*

Redhouse Poncho*, Carlos Ruiz-Martinez*, Felipe Guzman*

Nghia Tran*, David McGahee*, Ben Eiland*

Desi Mundo*, Jason Hoffman*, John Newman*

Akichita Chief*, Paul Haible*, Will FH*, Julian FH*, Nate FH*

Kevin Mamea, Louie Gutierrez*, Sandino Wahpepah, John Behan

Geoff Perusse, Joshua Perez, James Gregory

Aaron Conway, Stephan Cheney, Franco Esqueda

Glen Kircher, Robert Williamson, Gabriel Zepeda

Arthur Savangsy, Nathan Rich, Hector Patty

Jeremy FH, John Salazar, Alejandro Velez, Nadya Bratt

Henry Posada, Priscilla Lenares, Yoko Kaneko, Mary Propheter

Michele Gregory, Jackie Lomeli, Crystal Wahpepah

Akicita Feather Necklace, Georgia Bratt, Melody Ferris, Lupe Avila.


Weekend, May 22 and May 23rd, 2020!! We need your help!

MITAKUYE OYASIN – “We are the Ancestors of Tomorrow”

© 2025



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